第一: 演講協會時報徵求家庭成員總計在演講協會時間最久的家庭 (不分多少人,加起來有效會籍最久家庭)請即日起到1220日止,逕行將您的照片及圖說(包括總計多少年、為何加入演講會等)郵寄到 luna_chiang@yahoo.com.tw。我們將選出前三名,結果將在12月號的演講協會時報揭曉,同時將在明年15日五十周年慶典禮上頒獎。
第二: 演講協會網站廣徵創意王,歡迎您提出狂野、有創意的點子,跟我們分享如何在明年透過有創意的方式慶祝演講協會50周年慶。即日起,您可上http://blog.yam.com/DistrictPR/article/12959707,告訴我們您的創意點子。我們將選出前三名,結果將在12月號的演講協會時報揭曉,同時將在明年15日五十周年慶典禮上頒獎。
這是一個互動好玩的活動,雖然我們沒有誘人的巨額獎金,但是,竭誠歡迎各位絞盡腦汁,跟我們ㄧ起--好 好 玩!
Dear Leaders,
In less than 30 days, we are going to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the first Toastmasters club in Taiwan!
As the Head of the D67 PR Team, I would like to invite every one of you to join a very fun campaign to welcome this significant day. Grateful if you could forward this invitation to your officers and members. The campaign will be kicked off right after you finish reading this email!
1.      The Toastmasters Times wants any family that has the longest membership(despite of number of family member, the membership should be valid); please email me your photo with a short caption describing how long you family has joined Toastmasters and why you join etc. before Dec. 20. We will release the result in the coming edition of Toastmasters Times and D67 PR blog and we will give select the Top 3 families and give the formal certificate and reward at the 50th anniversary celebration party on January 5, 2008.
2.      Besides, we would like to solicit your creative ideas about how to celebrate the 50th anniversary, which is encouraged to be creative, workable for all the Toastmasters. You are encouraged to leave your ideas at the District PR blog at http://blog.yam.com/DistrictPR/article/12959707 NOW. We will select Top 3 the most creative ideas and present our award at the 50th anniversary celebration party on January 5, 2008 as well.
This is an interactive campaign, though we have huge amount of money to attract you, we highly welcome you to join us and have fun together!
Luna Chiang
Head of D67 PR Team
Editor-in-chief, Toastmasters Times
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